Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Thank You----Weebale!

Weebale, Weebele Nnyo! (Thank you, Thank you Very Much!)

I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has donated money towards my project! Thanks to all your love and support, I have raised $450!! I am truly amazed by all your generosity and cannot express how much it means to me. I am able to assist the community in more ways than I had originally planned. We will probably be able to build a larger water tank and add more gutters to the sides of the houses to increase the amount of water. In addition, there are about 20+ members in the Aids Youth Challenge Club and they would take turns using their makeshift gardening tools. With this money, you have allowed them to maximize their time in the garden and be able to produce faster and better crops. AND do not forget about the pigs! We originally were going to do 1 male and 2 females but now we can do 2 males. With the addition of more males, it allows for more of the females to become pregnant (by creating two separate families it allows for them to crossbreed). Not only are pigs a great source of income but they also produce fertilizer for the garden. We will also be buying piglets that are a little more expensive because you purchase them and vaccinate them right away so you know they will not get sick. When you buy an older pig, you risk them carrying illnesses or diseases. 
I also want to thank those who have helped me in so many other ways as well. I have only been given words of encouragement and support. They truly help and are appreciated. It does get hard sometimes when you just want to be back home where there are all the comforts your are accustomed to. But everyday, something always happens, when I have this ‘It is all worth it because of...’ moment. Thank you all soo much again! I am sending my love from Masaka!
Here is the link again for more donations, I need only $75 more for this project but all money helps and will just spill over to help me do another project. Each intern only needs to do one, but if you can do more, that is great! 

Here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=2PNXHTRVL6WAL

I will upload pictures today!!

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