Thursday, June 14, 2012

My Final Project Idea

Ok, so I am here to not only create a sustainable development project for a specific community that works with TASO but I am also doing research on HIV/AIDS education methods and determining which one seems to be the most effective. I have met with a woman here named Agnes who is the director of outreach. She gave me the name of 36 schools that TASO works with and their contact information. So what I am going to do is pick 5 primary schools (7th and 8th grade) and 5 secondary schools (high school) and conduct my research there. I will use one school per each method of teaching about HIV/AIDS. The methods are drama/acting, singing/dancing/songs, lecturing with a Q&A after, pictures and art, or peer groups driven by questions of the students. I will give surveys prior to beginning my program and then immediately after. I want to know what they know before and what they retained immediately after. I will then return to the schools in 3 or 4 weeks and give the same questions again. I want to determine which way was most effective for long term retention and if it differs between age groups and school levels. I may find that a combination of all of them would be most effective but it is not efficient for an organization to put all their resources for just one school at a time-not very sustainable and very expensive for them. I have yet to determine my sustainability project but I am hoping that while conducting my research, I will think of an educational method that TASO could use to help the schools with HIV/AIDS education. 
With all that said, I have had issues with this. I wish I could think of a way to educate children that can’t afford to go to school. There is just no way I can reach all the children that stay at home. Another intern told me that I can’t do everything and have to be happy with what I can accomplish. It is very true and I must tell myself that over and over again. I am very excited and I hope that everything goes to plan but I am sure there will be some adjustments with cultural sensitivity and age sensitivity. I will let everyone know how it goes, wish me luck. Anyone have any suggestions as well, I’m very open to ideas and critiques. 

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