Friday, May 25, 2012

Starting My First Weekend!

Hey Everyone!
I feel like there is always something new happening here in Masaka that I find interesting! On Wednesday we went to a farm that is a sustainable organic farm that not only creates/thinks of new ways of sustainability and practicability but they teach the local farmers what they discover. It was literally the largest piece of land that was not flat but dropped down deep into a jungle-like pond area. It was extremely beautiful and they grew anything and everything you could think of! An example was that they had chicken coops that were lifted from the ground and they used the droppings to be put in the pond for flies to go to where they would put their larva in the water and act as food for the fish which then reproduce and create more fish to sell! That was just one example of how everything they did there was connected and had a purpose. They also had a HUGE herb garden for not only cooking but for herbal remedies that they would teach people about. I have never seen more rosemary in my entire life! 
Then on Thursday we had to make dinner for all of our host families. One request (really a requirement) is to have matoke with dinner (it is a banana-like food that is hard but you boil it and then mash it). So everyone was helping out in the kitchen, but in true Maggie fashion, I became a control freak and took over on most of the items. So I prepared the Matoke with the director of FSD in Masaka who showed me the proper way to cut it and then mash it. It was a huge success and allowed for me to meet everyones host families. The people here are soo friendly and they laugh so much whenever a Muzungu (white person) tries to speak their language. I am trying to learn Lugandan and use every opportunity to practice, which usually ends in lots of laughing at me, but what else is new? ha 
I am really starting to feel comfortable here and my family is warming up to me. I sat in the kitchen today to watch them cook dinner (they won’t let me actually help yet, but maybe soon) because I wanted to show them that I want to be treated like family. Even though the women spoke Lugandan back and forth and I could not understand them, I think they appreciated that I took the initiative to join them. This is my first full weekend in Uganda where I have so much free time so it should be interesting to see what the family does. My host father works for the government, so he lives in Kampala during the week and comes home on the weekend, so the whole dynamic of the house might change. I will update everyone about my weekend on Monday. So far my family wants to take me to church on Sunday (apparently it lasts 2 hours!) and maybe visit my host brother at his boarding school. Other than that I will be working hard on my research proposal, thesis, and development project for my HIV/AIDS organization. Have a nice LONG weekend everyone, and I am sending my love from Masaka!
Sula Bulungi (Good night!) Here is a photo with my Housegirl's (the maid) daughter, Brbra. She never leaves my side, I love it!


  1. Very friendly and smart also to hang with the family while preparing food. You sometimes pick up things that you don't perceive at the moment. Obviously, It will help in writing your proposal to know as much about the culture as possible.

  2. Maggie you look so happy in the photo with the little girl. The little girl looks like she adores you. What an incredible opportunity. Sounds like you are off to a great start.

  3. HI sweetie, your stories are great, can't wait to hear about sundays services. I'm with Shannon the photo is awesome! If there is any way you can get a photo of the sustainable garden, it sounds so beautiful, I wish I could visit. The holiday weekend is here, and its hot and muggy and rainy, rainy, rainy, your classic Memorial happenings!!! xxxooo

  4. Maggie! So proud of you and happy to see you are adjusting to your adventure in Uganda (as we all knew you would!). This is a great way to keep track of what's going on so I will check back often. Xoxo
